Add NAICS & SIC Codes and Descriptions to your current customer database
So, who are your customers? How many employees do they have? What is their annual sales volume? Knowing the firm graphics of your customer base is of the utmost importance. By appending SIC Code or NAICS to your business database, you'll be able to answer these important questions and better yet, enhance your customer acquisition strategy. Ultimately, increasing sales and expanding your customer base.
SIC Code Appending
Add Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes to the records in your business database. Use this information to segment your customer by Industry type. The SIC Codes also gives you the data intelligence to target industries with the highest propensity to purchase your product or service, which are the industries that you are currently doing the most business with.
NAICS Appending
The North American Industry Classification System is a new business classification system that will eventually replace the SIC system. The NAICS system has the ability to code and identify groups of establishments into industries better then SIC system currently does. The SIC system was developed in the 1930's, at a time when manufacturing dominated the U.S. economy. In today's business environment, many service and specialized businesses, as well as entirely new industries are not listed as accurately using the SIC system as they are with the NAICS system.
With the detailed information on the US businesses and their industries, you can attack the target market with the desired message at the right time. Our B2B Data Appending services have been designed to add value to your existing contact database, by adding only 100% accurate and active details under Service Level Agreement.
Our select services include: