Establish credibility with lenders

The DUNS Number is a unique nine-digit identification sequence which provides unique identifiers of single business entities, while linking corporate family structures together.

The D&B DUNS numbering system is a widely recognized standard for identifying businesses among thousands of companies, marketplaces and regulatory entities. Companies worldwide use the DUNS Number to link information about suppliers, customers and trading partners, providing a more complete picture of the risk and opportunity in their business relationships.

No other organization has the capacity to identify, verify, and inter-relate businesses to find new customers, reduce credit exposure, generate vendor savings, and prevent fraud.

Applying DUNS Numbers to your internal files can help you:

SIC Code Appending

  • Identify risk exposure and highlight cross-selling opportunities within the same corporate family group
  • Eliminate duplicate file entries and build your own value-added customer and supplier information warehouses
  • Streamline your e-commerce transactions and simplify communications
  • Integrate your internal systems by linking payables/receivables and tracking business documentation to the business entity and location level
  • Reduce operating costs by linking interrelated suppliers and leverage this knowledge to increase purchasing power
  • Uncover revenue opportunities by identifying prospects
  • Improve customer service by linking related customer accounts to support a "one-customer" view.
  • Not sure which solution fits you business needs?